Creating a Custom Panel to Log Rendered Views

You can create your own panels that collect and display the specific data you want. Below we’ll describe the process of creating a simple custom panel that:

The assumption is that you’re using the basic application template.

Panel Class

First we need to implement the Panel class in panels/ViewsPanel.php:

namespace app\panels;

use bedezign\yii2\audit\components\panels\Panel;
use yii\base\Event;
use yii\base\ViewEvent;
use yii\web\View;

 * ViewsPanel
 * @package app\panels
class ViewsPanel extends Panel
     * @var array This will store a list of views that have been rednered.
    private $_viewFiles = [];

     * Add an event listener to the View::EVENT_BEFORE_RENDER event to capture the view filenames.
    public function init()
        Event::on(View::className(), View::EVENT_BEFORE_RENDER, function (ViewEvent $event) {
            $this->_viewFiles[] = $event->sender->getViewFile();
     * Returns the data that will be saved into the `audit_data` table.
    public function save()
        return $this->_viewFiles;

     * Get the name of the panel.
    public function getName()
        return \Yii::t('app', 'Views');

     * Get the label that will be used on the tab in the entry view page.
    public function getLabel()
        return $this->getName() . ' <small>(' . count($this->data) . ')</small>';

     * Get the HTML output that will be rendered into the tab view area on the entry view page.
    public function getDetail()
        return '<ol><li>' . implode('<li>', $this->data) . '</ol>';

The workflow for the code above is:

  1. init is executed before any controller action is run. This method is the best place to attach handlers that will collect data during the controller action’s execution.
  2. save is called after controller action is executed. The data returned by this method will be stored in a data file. If nothing is returned by this method, the panel won’t be rendered.
  3. The data from the data file is loaded into $this->data. For the toolbar, this will always represent the latest data, For the debugger, this property may be set to be read from any previous data file as well.


Now it’s time to tell audit to use the new panel. In config/web.php, the audit configuration is modified to:

$config = [
    'modules' => [
        'audit' => [
            'class' => 'bedezign\yii2\audit\Audit',
            'panels' => [
                // panel_id => array of options or string containing class
                'app/views' => 'app\panels\ViewsPanel',


Custom Panel View

What else can I do with panels?

Check out the source for the existing panels to see some of the ways panels can be used.

If you create a useful panel please let us know!